Friday, July 29, 2011

Cause of Acne

Cause of Acne - Acne is a skin problem becomes a major issue for hboth male or female, acne is not a disease that can be deadly, but acne can ruin the appearance of giving rise to the effects of a lack of your confidence.

In general, acne occurs during puberty, this is due to the absence of hormonal balance, as well as the formation of adult hormones, these hormones cause the sebaceous "glands produce sebum on the skin" becomes more active .
Rising activity resulting in the production of sebum glands "oil" of the face are also rising. So pile sebum would eventually become one joined with dirt and dead skin cells that clog pores blockage.

At the time of the clogged pores grow and develop this kind of bacterium called "Propionibacterium acnes" which is the bacteria that causes acne. Propionibacterium acnes releases similar irritants that would irritate the skin, the effect of this will then cause irritation of the skin reddened and swollen. Besides, it also causes pus under the skin surface, all of the effect is a form of resistance to the body's immune sisitem neutralize irritants produced by bacteria as well as tissue repair skin that has been irritated.

Here's a detailed explanation of Propionibacterium acnes

Propionibacterium acnes bacteria present in the Corynebacteria. These bacteria including the normal flora in the pathogenesis function kulit.Propionibacterium acnes acne by producing lipase that breaks free fatty acids from the lipid skin. These fatty acids can lead infalamasi underarm tissue and supports the immune system related to the occurrence of acne. Including Propionibacterium acnes bacteria that grow relatively slowly. These bacteria include the type of anaerobic gram-positive bacteria that are tolerant to air. Genome of this bacterium has been assembled and one study showed some genes to produce enzymes to shed the skin and proteins, which may be immunogenic (activating the immune system).

113 Bacteria causes acne bacteria Propionibacterium acnes

Kingdom: Bacteria
Phylum: Actinobacteria
Class: Actinobacteriadae
Order: Actinomycetales
Family: Propionibacteriaceae
Genus: Propionibacterium
Species: Propionibacterium acnes

Vital signs of the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes is a rod-shaped irregularly seen in a positive gram stain. These bacteria can grow in the air and do not produce endospores. These bacteria can form branched filaments or a mixture of forms rod / filament to form kokoid. Propionibacterium acnes requires oxygen from aerobic or anaerobic or facultative anaerobes to mikroerofilik.

Those are the types of bacteria that could make your face infections and got acne on your face.

This external factor could be your worst enemies to fight the acne, here's the other one :

Why Can Acne Occur? Acne usually appears during adolescence, acne on the face caused by the act Propionibacteri acnes bacteria that convert fatty sebum from the liquid becomes more dense, making it easy to clog the pores of the skin.

In addition to oil glands, in the skin of the face, there is also the sweat glands. In hot weather, a state of panic, or too tired, the skin will appear sweaty and greasy (read: how to care for oily face). This is due to the relationship of physical and mental stress with increased production of sweat and "sebum" in both types of gland.

Incidence Causes Acne On Face
There are four factors that causes acne, which is as follows.
1. Blockage in the pores of the skin by sebum which turns into a solid.
2. Increased production of sebum due to hormonal influences, physical, and psychological. If accompanied by a blockage at the mouth of the sebaceous glands, sebum outflow will be unstoppable.
3. Increased population and activity Propionibacteriacnes because these bacteria are under the estuary of the sebaceous glands and sebum like to eat fat.
4. Inflammatory reaction caused by the invasion of white blood cells into the surrounding lymph sebaseayang already experienced and finally broke the dam. Rumpah sebum-fat contents in bulk cuticle tissue or dermis, and are considered foreign objects that provoke the invasion of white blood cells to the area.

Sebum and sweat beneficial in establishing and maintaining the level of acidity (pH) of the skin, which is about 4-5, so it will be difficult for germs to breed. However, if the composition of "sebum" and sweat changed, resulting in a chain unsaturated chemical bonds become more, will tend to solidify and sebum will clog the pores of the skin. Cosmetics that are too thick and sticky sebum also facilitate the development of compaction is commonly known as "blackheads".

This is the light explanation about Blackheads if you curious about it, here the explanation in general way . Blackheads is the scientific name of that clogged pores, can be open or closed. An open comedone is called a blackhead too, looks like a crescent pori2 and black (the black is not dirt; actually it is a porous plug that changes color krn oxidized with air).

Blackheads that covered, or whiteheads, had skin that grows over pori2 that clogged; therefore seen spt kecil2 white bumps under the skin. Acne is caused by a type of komedoini sel2 dead skin and oil glands of the skin pd superfluous. If you not exfoliate (get a scrub, wash your face with a washcloth, put soap that contains salicylic acid or AHA / BHA, etc) regular skin, dead skin sel2 accumulate in the skin; oils on the skin surface and then shut sel2 skin, there was a blockage

Makeup and styling products that contain oils can aggravate the situation. Sweaty and hot and humid air that can also clog pores.

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