Sunday, July 31, 2011

Awesome Way to Vanish your Acne

Awesome Way to Vanish your Acne - Keep in mind that acne is a condition in which the skin pores becomes blocked resulting in the onset of inflammation. This inflammation usually leads to the emergence of pockets of pus on the skin, especially the face. The cause of acne is usually hormonal changes that stimulate the production of excess oil glands in the skin, dead skin cells, bacteria, cosmetics, and the effects of drugs. Acne usually occurs in adolescence lot, but it was likely also affect adults.

This one disease often make sufferers not believe themselves, because the face stained by small red bumps and yellow. Insecurity is not infrequently resulted in the patient not be impatient to get rid of acne on his face through the shortcut, the break with the fingernails. Though it can result in acne scars that have been colored black to be eliminated.

To prevent or treat skin full of pimples, Powerful Ways Eliminate Acne necessary so as not to spread to the other faces. At first you should know the restrictions to avoid acne sufferers, because the handle acne should not be random.

How To Take Care Facial Acne
To avoid acne has not increased much, acne sufferers should really implement commitments facial acne care tips below:

  • Do not be too often touching or holding the hand of acne because the body is full of bacteria. Often touching pimples can lead to acne flourish. Although heavy, try to avoid the desire to touch the face.
  • Do not break the acne, especially acne still nascent state, as this can cause inflammation of the skin and cause dark spots acne scars.
  • Always try to keep the facial skin is always clean of dirt, good morning, afternoon, and evening the match with the skin condition.
  • Avoid the use of materials or cosmetic makeup before bed.

How to Eliminate Acne with Natural Medicine
Lots of tips on how to deal with acne, one using natural medicine derived from plants. Here's how to remove acne using natural remedies:

  •     Prepare 2 or 3 pieces of old papaya leaves
  •     Drying papaya leaves to dry.
  •     Mix the papaya leaves with enough water, then crushed and squeezed for juice taken.
  •     Apply the juice of the papaya leaves on the acne.

Powerful Ways To Treat Acne with Anti Acne Medications

The second way is written based on the author's own experience. Previously, the authors include spotty, but acne fade until eventually disappear altogether from the skin up to now after using the following method:

  •     Keep the skin clean by using a facial cleanser from cucumber fruit extract
  •     Avoid restrictions on the tips listed above
  •     Use acne medication Acne La Tulipe Series at night before bed.
  •     Perform routine and keep the skin from the above restrictions until the acne really lost.

This second way is to mention acne medication Acne la Tulipe Series, but there is not the slightest element of promotional products acne medication. This tip is taken as true that the way it really works. Hopefully potent acne medications mentioned earlier are still sold to this moment and match with your skin.

You may also be interested to know what the appropriate natural remedies to remove acne scars or what a powerful natural remedy for removing blackheads for you the trouble of removing acne scars or blackheads on the face.

But, just calm, vegetables are nature's way of eliminating acne. Oops, but this method does not recomended if you have some alergic to vegetables . Perform cleaning and consumption of green vegetables on a regular basis. Not too complicated and costly money and need it, also do not exist any preservatives.

The natural way is available, which lived near with you. Chemical products or vegetables? One thing is for sure, we do not have wonderful things to be gained from easy, which means all the wonderful things your dream will achieved if you do that for routine and regular maintenance.

In addition to the above, how to remove acne scars are hollow, but not so bad it could be over in 3 ways as explained below:

     1. Dermaroller

     Roller coated with tiny needles. Before the face diroll, will be given serum first. Its function is to penetrate the serum into the skin, so that can stimulate cell growth of new skin.

     2. Peeling

     Peeling technique to eliminate the holes in the skin. The method is similar to peeling to remove acne, which is a chemical applied to the face, the effect is to make the skin peel.

     3. Microdermabrasion

     Microdermabrasion is a mechanical technique using specific media rubbed into the faces. Face like 'sand' using tip (applicators) are coated with diamond grains.

Thus information on how to remove acne scars by us, and to our friends. Hopefully these tips would bring benefit to you readers, i will update this blog soon about acne at your back and how to remove it from your skin quickly ASAP.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Acne cause by These Foods

 A.. Acne Means in General

Acne is a skin condition that is not normal where there is an infection and inflammation of the oil glands in the skin shaped Humans Acne is not pleasing to the eye, making the lack of Self Confidence . Acne sometimes feel sore to the touch so we wanted to quickly disappear from acne attack , we should not underestimate that does not become worse.

Not the only factor of hormonal cause of acne but from dietary factors could be contributing factors to the emergence of acne, Here's the food causes acne include:

1. Sugar
Of sugar found in almost all foods, including fruits . but during fruit is eaten raw, there is a type of sugar that is contain complex sugars and fiber . in that way that does not overly increase the sugar content blood . Sugar will be a factor for acne if it is changed to forms more simple processing . Sugar through sand is a simple form of sugar that can trigger acne, and widely used in many kinds of sweets and cakes.

2. Milk
The content contained in milk and other dairy products are very high that the same effect on fat food . Ice Cream, cheese and the like, including dairy products should be avoided for skin that infected with acne . Other that face it, there are some types of milk milked from cows that pregnant. Type milk contains certain hormones that exist in the human body are converted into hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that causes acne.

Caffeine can aggravate the acnes . Cofee, tea, soft drinks and some types of pain relieving drugs are sources of caffeine are caffeine. One of factor that can stimulates the adrenal glands, thus increasing levels of stress, which is one factor can also cause acne infection .Caffeine cause sleep disorders, which can also cause acne grow. In addition increase stress, lack of sleep can also hinder the process of recovery and disposal of toxic mechanisms that occur in the body.

There are still some more food that can lead to the emergence of acne . But you do not have to worry about avoiding that foods . In fact acne arise due to cleanliness of our own face.

You should treat your face carefully, pick the right product for your skin type, this based on your experience to judge which one are the right products for your acne treatment.

Foods that cause acne infection is not just a myth. Although the cause of acne is unknown, various factors trigger acne to watch out for, one of which is food. If food causes acne is your favorite food, then you should start to control intake. You do not have to stop at all, but to regulate the amount of food that cause acne that you will consume at least reduce the likelihood of acne.

Acne is often synonymous with adolescents, although young adults are also sometimes still "love" spotty. Many young people who despite having a bright faces and white, but still feeling less confident due acne on face. To prevent acne arises, most importantly avoid trigger factors of acne, regular exercise, avoid stress, keep the cleanliness and avoid foods cause acne.

Hamburger, food causes acne food causes acne is not just a myth. Although the cause of acne is unknown, various factors trigger acne to watch out for, one of which is food. If food causes acne is your favorite food, then you should start to control intake. You do not have to stop at all, but to regulate the amount of food that cause acne that you will consume at least reduce the likelihood of acne.

Acne is often synonymous with adolescents, although young adults are also sometimes still "love" spotty. Many young people who despite having a bright faces and white, but still feeling less confident due acne on face. To prevent acne arises, most importantly avoid trigger factors of acne, regular exercise, avoid stress, keep the cleanliness and avoid foods cause acne.

List of Food Causes Acne

Here is a list of different kinds of foods that cause acne:

Fried foods

If you eat unhealthy oils fats on a regular basis, your body will be forced to use it to form new skin cells. The skin cells will not function properly. Finally, acne and other skin diseases can arise. Types of fried foods most likely to cause acne include:

  •     French fries
  •     Sinker
  •     Fried chicken
  •     China fast food
  •     Mozzarella Sticks

Foods high in sugar

Besides being able to improve blood sugar levels, foods that contain sugar can suppress the immune system and the impact on the body's defense against bacterial infection, which is one cause of acne. In addition, sugar causes loss of tissue and function elestisitas. Foods high in sugar cause acne are:

  •     Candy
  •     Soda and Soft drink
  •     Ice cream
  •     Brown
  •     Biscuit
  •     Cereals

Foods high in carbohydrates

The important thing to realize is manausia body needs only a certain amount of glucose to function properly. when you eat more carbohydrates than your body needs, then health problems such as diabetes and acne can be realized. These high-carbohydrate foods that can trigger acne:

  •     White rice
  •     Pasta
  •     White bread

Omega-6 fatty acids

Excess consumption of omega-6 fatty acids can lead to increased redness and inflammation. Pro-inflammatory hormone is beneficial to you, as it helps to protect your body from bacteria and viruses, but too much of this hormone can irritate acne, making it worse. Omega-6 fatty acids found in:

  •     Ham, Cheeseburger
  •     Pork and dairy
  •     Bacon

Friday, July 29, 2011

Cause of Acne

Cause of Acne - Acne is a skin problem becomes a major issue for hboth male or female, acne is not a disease that can be deadly, but acne can ruin the appearance of giving rise to the effects of a lack of your confidence.

In general, acne occurs during puberty, this is due to the absence of hormonal balance, as well as the formation of adult hormones, these hormones cause the sebaceous "glands produce sebum on the skin" becomes more active .
Rising activity resulting in the production of sebum glands "oil" of the face are also rising. So pile sebum would eventually become one joined with dirt and dead skin cells that clog pores blockage.

At the time of the clogged pores grow and develop this kind of bacterium called "Propionibacterium acnes" which is the bacteria that causes acne. Propionibacterium acnes releases similar irritants that would irritate the skin, the effect of this will then cause irritation of the skin reddened and swollen. Besides, it also causes pus under the skin surface, all of the effect is a form of resistance to the body's immune sisitem neutralize irritants produced by bacteria as well as tissue repair skin that has been irritated.

Here's a detailed explanation of Propionibacterium acnes

Propionibacterium acnes bacteria present in the Corynebacteria. These bacteria including the normal flora in the pathogenesis function kulit.Propionibacterium acnes acne by producing lipase that breaks free fatty acids from the lipid skin. These fatty acids can lead infalamasi underarm tissue and supports the immune system related to the occurrence of acne. Including Propionibacterium acnes bacteria that grow relatively slowly. These bacteria include the type of anaerobic gram-positive bacteria that are tolerant to air. Genome of this bacterium has been assembled and one study showed some genes to produce enzymes to shed the skin and proteins, which may be immunogenic (activating the immune system).

113 Bacteria causes acne bacteria Propionibacterium acnes

Kingdom: Bacteria
Phylum: Actinobacteria
Class: Actinobacteriadae
Order: Actinomycetales
Family: Propionibacteriaceae
Genus: Propionibacterium
Species: Propionibacterium acnes

Vital signs of the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes is a rod-shaped irregularly seen in a positive gram stain. These bacteria can grow in the air and do not produce endospores. These bacteria can form branched filaments or a mixture of forms rod / filament to form kokoid. Propionibacterium acnes requires oxygen from aerobic or anaerobic or facultative anaerobes to mikroerofilik.

Those are the types of bacteria that could make your face infections and got acne on your face.

This external factor could be your worst enemies to fight the acne, here's the other one :

Why Can Acne Occur? Acne usually appears during adolescence, acne on the face caused by the act Propionibacteri acnes bacteria that convert fatty sebum from the liquid becomes more dense, making it easy to clog the pores of the skin.

In addition to oil glands, in the skin of the face, there is also the sweat glands. In hot weather, a state of panic, or too tired, the skin will appear sweaty and greasy (read: how to care for oily face). This is due to the relationship of physical and mental stress with increased production of sweat and "sebum" in both types of gland.

Incidence Causes Acne On Face
There are four factors that causes acne, which is as follows.
1. Blockage in the pores of the skin by sebum which turns into a solid.
2. Increased production of sebum due to hormonal influences, physical, and psychological. If accompanied by a blockage at the mouth of the sebaceous glands, sebum outflow will be unstoppable.
3. Increased population and activity Propionibacteriacnes because these bacteria are under the estuary of the sebaceous glands and sebum like to eat fat.
4. Inflammatory reaction caused by the invasion of white blood cells into the surrounding lymph sebaseayang already experienced and finally broke the dam. Rumpah sebum-fat contents in bulk cuticle tissue or dermis, and are considered foreign objects that provoke the invasion of white blood cells to the area.

Sebum and sweat beneficial in establishing and maintaining the level of acidity (pH) of the skin, which is about 4-5, so it will be difficult for germs to breed. However, if the composition of "sebum" and sweat changed, resulting in a chain unsaturated chemical bonds become more, will tend to solidify and sebum will clog the pores of the skin. Cosmetics that are too thick and sticky sebum also facilitate the development of compaction is commonly known as "blackheads".

This is the light explanation about Blackheads if you curious about it, here the explanation in general way . Blackheads is the scientific name of that clogged pores, can be open or closed. An open comedone is called a blackhead too, looks like a crescent pori2 and black (the black is not dirt; actually it is a porous plug that changes color krn oxidized with air).

Blackheads that covered, or whiteheads, had skin that grows over pori2 that clogged; therefore seen spt kecil2 white bumps under the skin. Acne is caused by a type of komedoini sel2 dead skin and oil glands of the skin pd superfluous. If you not exfoliate (get a scrub, wash your face with a washcloth, put soap that contains salicylic acid or AHA / BHA, etc) regular skin, dead skin sel2 accumulate in the skin; oils on the skin surface and then shut sel2 skin, there was a blockage

Makeup and styling products that contain oils can aggravate the situation. Sweaty and hot and humid air that can also clog pores.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

9 Awesome Tips to Remove Your Acne

9 Awesome Tips to Remove Your Acne  - In this article, i'll provide you with some simple ways in which to urge obviate skin condition that you simply follow. I understand that the face is that the charm of each soul, be it male or feminine. it absolutely was 1st noticed  after we meet somebody is that the face. thus we tend to should keep our faces. If we tend to face such issue as skin condition seems, it might interfere with the performance we tend to all ... particularly for ladies UN agency continuously cares regarding beauty.

Acne are going to be tortured once more as a result of it typically seems at pubescence that he aforementioned the majority is that the most lovely, masa2 entreaty. however square measure able to} have a girlfriend if your face could be a nest of skin condition? It should be tough isn't it? Here are tips which will build your acne disappear and can not interfere together with your performance again:

1. Washing your face a pair of times on a daily basis

Tips to get rid of skin condition the primary is to clean your face a pair of times on a daily basis. laundry your face a pair of times on a daily basis can facilitate take away the oil on the surface of our skin. If we tend to ar seldom clean, the microorganism that cause skin condition can live extravagantly in our faces. however keep in mind .. don't wash face scrub face excessive particularly since drilling can really increase sobaceous which will cause skin issues on the face. Wash your face a pair of times on a daily basis with a gentle soap.

2. customise your cosmetics together with your skin sort

If your skin is oily then use cosmetics for shiny skin, if you employ cosmetics that don't match your skin sort .. skin condition can shortly come back to your facial skin. thus take care in selecting cosmetics.

3. the maximum amount as doable to avoid oily cosmetics.

naturally we are going to face menmproduksi oil, despite the fact that dry skin. thus the maximum amount as doable to avoid excessive use of cosmetics as a result of oil and dirt are going to be the medium that causes skin condition microorganism to decide on our faces.

4. Dry your face with a clean towel once laundry your face or shower, as a result of the microorganism are sort of a wet and heat.

5. drinkable

Nearly seventieth of our skin consists of water, by drinking a minimum of a pair of liters of water on a daily basis, then our skin can continuously work and healthy.

6. use a skin moisturizer

Using a moisturizer can facilitate nourish our skin, particularly from dry skin and pecah2. however here moisturizer that doesn't mean that greasy moisturizer .. it is a ton of cosmetic merchandise that ar water.

7. continuously check that your skin is clean before bed.

Always wash your face before bed to regenerate the skin well.

8. ofttimes eat vegetables and fruits.

sayur2an contain several vitamins that nourish our skin. Expand eat vegetables or fruits, particularly those containing vitamin E. In healthy skin, then skin condition would be tough to grow and thrive.

9. Enough sleep and regular.

Skin conjointly rather like U.S., would like a possibility. thus get wont to sleep enough and frequently. as a result of after we sleep, the skin can regenerate and take away harmful racun2 thus after we aroused from sleep following day we are going to kebali contemporary skin.

9 ways in which {to take away|to get rid of} skin condition remove skin condition tips on top of ar terribly simple to follow. If you are doing it frequently and discipline, it's uphill skin condition on your face can turn .. and your face becomes sleek and freed from skin condition once more. Hopefully the following pointers to get rid of skin condition is useful to you.

As a bonus , i'll give you some easy and fast way to get rid those acne :

1. Washing your face 2 times a day
Washing your face 2 times a day will help remove the oil on the surface of our skin. If we are rarely cleaned, the bacteria that cause acne will live abundantly in our faces. But remember .. Do not wash face scrub face excessive especially since oil production will actually increase sobaceous that can cause skin problems on the face. Wash your face 2 times a day with a mild soap.

2. Customize your cosmetics with your skin type.
If your skin is oily then use cosmetics for oily skin, if you use cosmetics that do not match your skin type, acne will soon come to your facial skin. So be careful in choosing cosmetics.

3. Avoid oily cosmetics.
Naturally we face will produce oil, even though dry skin. So as much as possible avoid excessive use of cosmetics because oil and dust will be the medium that causes acne bacteria to settle on our faces.

4. Dry your face with a towel.
Dry your face with a clean towel after washing your face or shower, because the bacteria are also like a moist and warm.

5. Drink plenty of water.
Nearly 70% of our skin consists of water, by drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, then our skin will always fit and healthy.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Remove Acne with Low Cost

Remove Acne with Low Cost - How to remove acne scars become a big problem for certain circles. Having grown acne will usually cause scars that never go away. If you decide to go to a salon and taking special care of you should read the following article first.

When you're there in the face of acne it is advisable not held or squeezed as it it can cause inflammation. Inflammation causes more severe acne scars difficult to remove. Here is how to remove acne scars without the cost of expensive.

How to Eliminate Former Acne Naturally With Honey

In addition to good health turned out to be honey can be used as a method to remove the black spots acne scars quickly. Besides honey will also make your skin look radiant.


Previously we have discussed about the benefits of cucumber. Who would have thought a fresh cucumber to remove acne scars. How attach a fresh cucumber slices on acne scars twice a day morning and evening before bed.


Apply or lemon drops section scar your every day be careful not to hit the eye. Orange juice is a natural bleaching agent for skin. In addition, there are many more benefits of lemon click here.

Lavender Oil

In addition to effectively repel mosquitoes lavender oil is also very good in removing acne scars petrified recalcitrant. Apply lavender oil on acne scars and observe the results within a few days.
How to Eliminate Former Acne and Dark Spots
If some of the ways to remove acne scars on you do it diligently every day, then your acne will disappear in a short amount of time and does not require an expensive cost. Hopefully this article on how to get rid of acne naturally helpful.

Here's the other tips how to get rid your acne with natural ways :

1. Which is not foreign to the Lemon / Lime Water + Rose. 

Lemon, lime and fruit contains citric acid countrymen very rich, citric acid which is very good for moving cells dead skin that can cause acne. The trick is to mix the juice / lemon juice with rose water and then apply on face and leave for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water. The application of this therapy regularly and consistently for 15 days will result in a quite unusual to use and see what happens (have a lot to prove, including me). 

2. White Egg
trick is, separate the egg yolks and egg whites take it. Whisk briefly and then apply to face and leave on for 15 minutes. Egg white will help reduce the oil on the face that often causes acne. 

3. Toothpaste 
 One thing to note here is the use of toothpaste shaped pasta (such as Pepsodent) is not a gel form (such as Close Up). How about the same premises both of the above. Apply toothpaste on pimples and other parts around the pimples before sleeping. Let sit overnight / until morning and then rinse with clean water. 
4. Tomatoes 
This one fruit than good for eye health are also quite effective at removing black comedones (blackheads). The first one has to do is slice the tomatoes in half and rub all over the face with acne and leave for 15 minutes - 1 hour and then rinse. and eat for the care of the inside. 

5. Aloe Vera 
CAUTION: Do not use the native tongue of the fire, he,, Take a leaf aloe vera, cut some part, peel the outer skin, apply on the acne that appears, and repeat doing it this way every morning and afternoon. If you are patient enough, acne may be able to dry up and flake off for 3 days. Additionally aloe is also capable of removing stubborn acne scars. Again the key is only one, painstaking.!! 

6. Garlic 
There are two options in using garlic to get rid of acne. First with two or more mashing garlic until quite smooth and then applied to the facial acne. Let stand for 10 minutes then rinse. While the second way is to take one or more of garlic every day.Many say it enough efekktif both ways, but for those of you who do not like the smell of garlic may be better to take the other way. Do not worry there are many other natural ways that I will explain below. 

7. Always Clean Faces 
Always care face clean everyday dirt and grime from the road. For we are always active and dealing with dust on the street, so be diligent to clean the face before or after the activity. As consumption from within, then multiply eat vegetables and drink water. Those who would not like vegetables.!, The fruits that contain water can be an alternative in treating the face of the deep. Because the content contained in fruits and vegetables are believed to make your face more clean and radiant.